

President: Yves Attou y.attou[AT]
Vice-president: Evelyne Deret e.deret[AT]
Vice-president: Martine Souweine m.souweine[AT]
Vice-president: Alexandre Ginoyer a.ginoyer[AT]
Secretary-General : Pierre Landry p.landry[AT]
Treasurer : Révelyne Chabrun r.chabrun[AT]
General Delegate : Marlena Bouche marlena.bouche[AT]
General Delegate : Alfonso Lizarzaburu a.lizarzaburu[AT]
General Delegate : Michel Panet m.panet[AT]
General Delegate : Francisco Queiruga francisco.queiruga[AT]
General Delegate : Gilles Schildknecht Gilles.schildknecht[AT]
General Delegate : Nicolas Simiot n.simiot[AT]
General Delegate : Farida Temimi m.temimi[AT]

You are well aware of the term ‘ Lifelong Learning’ and you would prefer this to be not just a slogan or catch phrase, but a concept which opens the way to a universal right and social obligation.

Whatever your profession (educationist, scientist, sociologist, economist …), whatever your domain of work (public or private), we need your help, in order to share ideas, initiatives, projects and collective activities that drive the development of our project which we hope is breaking new ground. Indeed, we do not live in one culture and the richness of an active idea is its very transferability. In the era of globalisation it therefore seems irrefutable that we should develop partnerships in order to share knowledge and understanding, influenced by multicultural and multigenerational exchanges which will enable us to make sense of this idea [lifelong learning] based on the underlying goal to make it understandable to everyone.

What drives our initiative is the ‘Hamburg Declaration for Adult Education’ created after the 5th international conference on adult education, organised by UNESCO in Hamburg 14-18 July 1997 (Confintea V). We are furthermore responding to the ‘Call to action and responsibility’ from the Confintea Mid Term Review launched at the end of the Bangkok Conference during 6-11 September 2003. We take equal support from the work of the OECD, the World Bank, the European Union and the UNESCO report ‘Learning, the treasure within’ (Jacques Delors 1996). Michael Omolewa, President of UNESCO General Assembly, very interested in our World Committee’s course of action, has agreed to be honorary president of our World Committee.

In order to clarify the concept [lifelong learning], it is necessary to develop networks and work in partnership. It is this human and social capital that goes beyond frontiers and cultures, in all its diversity, which enables us to bring this concept alive and attempt to give it a more accurate meaning and make it useable. We are compiling an all inclusive international network of lifelong learning actors, in each country and on every continent. This is the first stage of our project for reflection and action research.

Our executive committee consists of people involved in education and training from various countries and various public and private sectors, amongst whom many already have substantial international experience in the field of education.

In the expectation that you will soon join us.
Very Cordially,
President of the World Committee for Education, Training and Lifelong Learning.